How to explain 2016?
I'm reading a book called Massacre at Mountain Meadows, by Walker, Turley, and Leonard. It was suggested by a good friend, whose grandfather was in the area at the time, but declined to get involved. It's about a dark piece of Utah history. Well, it wasn't even the State of Utah back then. There were 4 Indians to every white man, according to the historians. I'm still on the preface, but there are some interesting points made already. The book was published in 2008. But it speaks of things that reflect 2016, which is far too close to the times preceding the massacre. The tragedy was on September 11, 1857. (Is September 11th cursed or something?). More than 100 people were killed, and most of the victims were women and children. I have read a couple of books on the event, but this one has a cartload of details on how it was researched so thoroughly and put in context of the current state of the country and area. I read 2 paragraphs and it could have been written thi...