Profound moment
What a beautiful night. Usually we are on the go all day and then by nightfall we are worn out, and we are at home. Today we went out after dark. We met a man asking for help. He asked us in several languages, which is the first thing that caught my attention. He spoke very good English. Some people here speak English well but their accent is almost impossible. We have a new friend named Samir. This is his story. He says he worked at the embassy in Syria for 12 years. He was over the janitors at the building, and sometimes his boss would ask him to help with some translating. He speaks Arabic, English, German, Turkish, and he listed a few others. He has been married for 33 years to his wife, and doesn't understand people who don't love like he does. He doesn't like that a lot of couples don't stick together. He has 4 children, his oldest is 32 and his youngest is 19 years old. He was so skinny! We offered to buy him some food, but he said his stomach had shrunk so...