Why? vs Why not???
Why don't we listen? Why aren't we listening to ourselves? It wasn't until after my year of travel and coming back to settle down (for a moment?) in the little village of Samara that it really strikes me. I left it all behind! I spent my whole life being programmed. By parents, sibling/relatives, the TV and it's ridiculous commercials (which so many people watch for hours every day). By friends, religion, government, and health care providers. We are programmed to follow, and not listen to our true selves and that inner voice gets squashed in the process, with only brief moments of awareness. I ran around doing things that didn't make me happy, just relieved they are over with. Things I am told I HAVE to do, so I tell myself I must do it. I see it all around me, and it comes in many forms. Through strong opinions and condemnation, through bossiness, commandments, indifference when no one listens to what I am saying. Through false or conflicting media, fostere...