Love my life

Today is the best day to make changes. The best day to try something new. The best time to let yourself dream. It's kind of crazy that I live in a world where it seems like I have to specifically tell myself that it's ok to dream. And to dream big. In 2016 I had 3 big dreams. To quit my awesome and highly demanding and stressful job. To get a new job that had "normal" hours. To take a trip to Samara in Costa Rica to see my Mom. I hadn't seen her in a year. And it was much longer that that before then. I did all three of those things. It was pretty cool.
My husband had a dream. He said: let's pretend we could go there, and stay there. What would that look like? What would we have to do to make that happen, and to be ok with what had to be done? His big dream came true also. We stayed! I think he was tired of the basic American mentality. The whole mentality and system designed around: work, buy, consume, die. I was too. We both love adventure. There is a lot of that to be found in the jungle and on the tropical beach!
Last January I started a program through called Love Your Life in 30 Days. It was magnificent. I highly recommend it. (Although last year it was free, which is my favorite price. I hear this year it's $30 and it's all "new and improved"). I met some quality friends through that program, who are some very cherished people in my life right now. I even met one of them when I traveled to Europe in the spring. Yes! I traveled to Europe.
This program inspired me to dream bigger. To stop telling myself the things that helped me be a mom and provide for my kids, but they grew up. I don't have to stay in one place now. I don't have to have a job with good health insurance. No one else but Ron lives with me now. All of my goals and needs are so different from what they had been all those years with my precious children.
Something deep and powerful shifted within me. It was quietly monumental. When my husband bought those tickets to Copenhagen in Denmark I felt like Maxwell in the 2008 movie Get Smart when he found out he was promoted to field agent, and he tried to have a private celebration moment in a more serious setting. I tried to remain calm. But I really felt like I was walking on air. I felt like I had won the lottery. I had been to Costa Rica in 2004 to see my Mom in Costa Rica. I hadn't seen my Dad (who lives in Denmark) since 1999.
Then 2 of my dear friends from the program this year said they were going to do it again in December, and did I want to join them? Of course! I don't know what I'll do when life become even more remarkable than it already is, but I'd like to give it a shot. So today is Dec 4th and I am supposed to "showcase my inspiration". So I changed the background on my computer. And I am sharing the challenge with my Mom again.
Day 2 is picking a theme for the next year. This time the theme is to feel my power. Or, to PHEEL my power. Published. Harmony. Exploring. Entrepreneur. Loving. I want all of that this year. Starting back in Samara, in Costa Rica this winter. The part that makes me nervous is how I want to go to Peru and Iceland this next year. Maybe even on a cruise with my Mom and go to my 30 year high school reunion in Canada in the fall. But that feels like I'm pushing it. But that's what I'm supposed to do, right?
I also have to decide. Is my issue because I really don't want it, I just think I might love it? Or is it that I have been conditioned to think more of how it will feel to wish and not get? I know we will probably go to Peru because that's one of Ron's dreams (except he has many travel dreams, more than I do!). I know that I want to go to Iceland because my Danish cousin invited us. I want that more than I want to go to the reunion in Canada. After Peru and Iceland, can we do a cruise too?? Mabye, if I get my own business going, which is on my list of goals. The trip to Iceland is going to also involve Denmark and France, of course. Then there is the other part of my heart, back in the United States with my family there.
Ok, now my brain is in over drive and I forgot to eat breakfast.

This is a picture I found for Iceland. And one for Machu Picchu in Peru.

This is a picture that represents my dreams for the next year.


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