Digest this

  It's all very amazing and strange isn't it? The digestive process in all it's glory, and how many things have to go right for it to work. And how many things can go wrong. Everything depends on digestion. It's fuel for the cells which means it makes or breaks your muscles and your brain. You really are what you eat. I'm not yogurt because I had it for breakfast. But I have much better mornings because I try to have a Breakfast of Champions every. Even then I'm mostly kidding. I'm no puritan. I don't make my own yogurt. But it's a far cry from how I've been eating my entire life.
 I was talking with a friend the other day, and she made a very good point. It takes energy to heal. Your body uses up a lot of energy to digest. It can't heal and digest at the same time. I believe her, since she's a doctor. I also see how most people back home were sabotaging their own bodies by the things they ate. Starting with me. Digestion begins in the grocery aisle of the supermarket.
  I'm super excited. I avoid scales like they shoot flames up when I step on them. About 3 years ago I got on a scale and it said 161 and I was happy enough. I didn't get back on a scale until I joined the gym (for the very first time) this last summer. The scale hurt my feelings. It said 183. After a month or so it still said 183? Then I came to Costa Rica a few weeks later. About a month later I got on the scale again, and it said 183. Man, I was not impressed. Around November I finally got serious and said: I want to lose weight. And I didn't at first. Then I said: I want to eat healthy. Now it's working! I'm a huge advocate of focusing on what you DO want. Not what you DON'T want. Wanting to lose weight is like wanting to not be so fat. When I switched gears, I was easier. Yesterday I hopped on the scale and I'm at 168 pounds.
  I started by saying: I just want to get under 180 pounds. Quicker results, focusing on the progress and feeling the victory. Then I said I just want to get under 175. Then 170. Now I can say that I just want to get under 165, I know I can do it, look at my success so far.
  My friend asked me: how do you do it? Besides all of the above, I grab a smaller plate and fill it with as little as possible. I want to be a raw foodist, but I don't have it in me. However I try to eat as much unprocessed food as I can. I will eat a mango over a bag of chips. I also watch how I talk to myself. I tell myself: this little bit will fill me up. I tell myself: I can find healthy options to fall in love with. I tell myself: I will not let my taste buds make bad decisions for the entire rest of my body. I wish I had a scale that I had to step on every time I opened the door to the fridge, and the numbers appeared in front me. Before I grab something to eat, I ask myself: Do I want to eat this more than I want to be healthier?
  Do the research, get informed. It's awesome. Do you know how the digestive system works? It's completely amazing. Do you know how addiction works? It's good to know. I feel like an alcoholic these days. Because sugar and bad food choices surround me every day, everywhere I go. Sugar is my addiction. I want to quit sugar. I've tried to take steps to quit sugar. The 12 steps helped. I still feel a little hopeless about it. But I find hope where I can. And I forgive myself for being human.
  And my theme for 2017 is to Keep Trying. I want a ton of good energy. I want to be in better shape and move better and feel better. I want to think more clearly, solve problems (and avoid them) more quickly. I want to give my body the best, so that I can rock this aging thing. Seeing as how getting older is unavoidable, but letting it ruin my body is completely up to me. If I had known that being 46 years old would be this fun, I wouldn't have waiting so long for it. Lol.
  Along with eating, I'm drinking my water. How water works in the body is another awesome subject of study. I left it back home, but I was starting to read this book called You're Not Sick, You're Dehydrated. Staying hydrated is half the battle. Dehydration causes so many issues in the body!
  Try this: plan good tasty food. Eat only when you're hungry, and only until you're not hungry anymore. Chew your food with a mindfulness, every bite. Appreciate your food. Drink a glass of water before you eat. Be aware of the entire social aspect of eating. Not to mention the emotional aspect of it. Distract yourself from the bad foods that you crave. Look at essential oils, look at people who are making changes, and ask them questions. Read success stories. Celebrate every good choice you make, instead of just feeling bad about the wrong ones.



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