Healing moment

  In case you didn't know. I knew. But it can be SO hard to remember, and to follow through at the time it is needed. I was trying to get out of the water with my fins on. It was still a better option than dealing with sharp and odd shaped rocks. It was hard to see, I had an old mask with a broken strap. I could only see above water (the sun was starting to go down) and I had to carry the broken mask and snorkel. So with fins on, I was stumbling. The water was only calf deep. So I slipped once, and kind of crushed and cut my pinky finger. It hurt a lot. And it started to bleed. I used my bandana to put pressure on it. So then I'm trying to walk holding pressure, and the other things. But I'm used to Awkward by now.
  But here's my point. If I thought it hurt in the first place, placing pressure on it was even more painful. I knew about putting pressure to stop the bleeding, and I knew that putting pressure on a new bruise was supposed to help. But if it weren't for protecting the innocence of the fish, I would have let out a few choice words. Here's the thing. It really worked. My finger stopped bleeding, and it doesn't look like it's going to bruise. I can barely tell where the cut is. I put hydrogen peroxide on it, which wasn't pleasant the first time. The second time, not such a big deal. My finger looks great. I'm impressed. Not swollen or anything. !
  Taking all that first aid, and taking all the CPR classes, and taking the emergency medical technician course, and taking the community emergency response team course: these have all paid off. Oh, and the years of positive affirmations. For the last 4 hours I was pretty sure my finger was going to be a problem. So far, it is healing up well. I can even type with it, it's barely tender.
  Repeat after me, today's daily affirmation: "My body is amazing, it heals quickly!"
I still don't have our pictures available, but here is what some of the small brilliant blue fish look like.


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